
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Moving On

Hello folks,

When I started this blog, I didn't know if anyone would read it. Today, I still don't know. Well, maybe a few.

It's been a while since I posted anything. It's deliberate. I want to continue, but with a very slight twist. If you haven't already noticed, most of my posts were LONG. Oftentimes, this turned off folks from reading. I don't blame them. I know I would.

So a few months ago, I started a new blog, with pretty much the same flavor -- everyday life. What I hope to do is to make the posts shorter, simpler, and, maybe less narrative. No promises, but I will try.

This will be the last post in the blog. I will continue to keep it up, for posterity sake, as folks say.

I would like to invite you to check out my stories at "It's JJ's Peek"  (



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