
Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Piece of My Mind

I believe that all of us make choices in our lives. I stand for whatever I believe in. I view things differently and have varied opinions about certain things. I am passionate about those that are dear and close to me, yet passive and uninterested in those I care less about.

I submit to authority, provided it is legal and moral. I trust and believe in law and order. I offer my services and expertise if I know others will learn and benefit from it. I love what I do. I am focused, and, sometimes, intense.

My primary philosophies are fairness, equality. and justice. I have had my share of victories, but, for the most part, I am disappointed because life is not fair and equitable. And I see it all around. But these are realities I have to live with and accept. I just have to take it in and adjust. Life is too short to be miserable and mad.

No one can tell me I am unfair. I am considerate to a fault. I give everyone the opportunity, sometimes, more than necessary. I don't have to, but I do. But everything has its limitations. Finite.

I am a believer of karma -- what goes around, comes around. Believe me, I have seen it up close. And the view isn't pretty. Not mine, but theirs. Do unto others, what you want others to do unto you. Truly so.

If you don't have anything good to say, keep it to yourself. If you think you are better than anyone else, step up to the plate or wait for your turn. If you have a better idea, say it. Otherwise, shut the front door !!!

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