
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back to Walking

Now that the weather is getting better (meaning, warmer), I've been trying to get some activity going. Walking had been something I did, if I can find the time. And time, or lack of it, has always been the best excuse if we have been remiss. I know I do. For quite sometime, I have been contemplating on getting into cycling. I did attend a road cycling class last month, but I've been dragging at actually starting it. For now, I need to get my blood pumping a bit, so I've started walking again. And now, I do it with my wife and son (he does because he hates being left alone in the house).

I started last Monday. It was a short one. We had a late start, and the sun was setting pretty fast. We walked around the neighborhood, and we managed to squeeze in 20 minutes, give or take a few. Besides, I was also trying to "break in" myself and taking it a little easy since I have not done it for quite a while.

I skipped Tuesday because my son had volleyball practice. On Wednesday, I was set to make up for the prior day. By the time we all got settled, it was almost 6:30pm. By then, we would probably have under an hour before it got dark. So, off we went around our neighborhood, with my wife leading us. Before the walk, I downloaded a free application for the iphone, called  RunKeeper, to track our activity. As part of our route, we went to Mission San Jose High School and did laps around the track oval. That evening, we walked 2.08 miles in 40 minutes. Not a fast pace, but a steady one.

Thursday, we set out again. This time I suggested we take a different route, minus the twist and turns within the neighborhood. The initial route I envisioned would have probably taken us close to 1.5 hours. But halfway through it, we came across a pathway alongside a small creek that ran right next to Mission San Jose High School. It had a slight elevation, which gave the heart a little extra workout. That walk was 2.34 miles in 45 minutes.

Not a bad start. I just hope I can sustain it and make it more regular.

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